Well Man Health Plan

Health screenings are a vital part of your healthy life. Not only can a regular checkup help with potential early detections, they can provide you peace of mind.         

Most men believe that their health is in good condition, and as a result, ignore their body’s warning signs. Our Men’s Health plans are tailored to include recommended tests crucial to staying healthy and identifying signs of illness early on.

Services include: 
• Comprehensive Checkup
• Blood Count, Anemia 
• Lipid Profile
• Diabetes Profile
• Gout Screening
• Bone Screening
• Urine Routine
• Stool for Occult Blood (FIT)
• Thyroid Function 
• Renal Function Tests
• Liver Function Tests
• PSA(Total PSA)
• Ultrasound of the prostate 
• Pre-consultation & follow up consultation for report explanation by doctor 





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